The blog started out as a way to share a bit about my family. To keep trip reports, to share pictures. 2011 Mr. Ramsay Hunt decided to visit me. My life changed. I now use this blog as a way to share my journey. RHS effects so many people in so many ways. But life goes on and I believe how we choose to handle our issues effects how we feel. I AM A FIGHTER. Moving forward one day at a time!
Friday, October 17, 2008
My Loopies
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
As most of you know James is a touch older than I am and we grew up with different taste in music. We both loved the 80's music (since that's when we met, dated, and married) but he also loves old music. I am not sure when Jim Croce (spelling?) was big but he sings his songs often and Curtis seems to love his music as well. He can sing this song so well, when I am not in front of him with the camera! Stage fright maybe? So bare with it as he gets started. And sorry about the other sounds in the background.
Monday, October 13, 2008