Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Old Blog

Hey I moved my old blog over from aol. Check out our 2006 vacation blog http://angela-vacation2006.blogspot.com

Monday, October 27, 2008

What are you reading?

I just finished reading Debbie MaCombers book Lonesome Cowboy & Texas Two Step and started the next 2 books of hers. I really enjoyed Vol. 1 of the Heart of Texas series. As I read the story of life in Promise Texas I often thought of my friend Terra and her family. Hey Terra, is there a ghost town near by? :) If you have not read any of her books you must give her a try! Visit her website at DebbieMacomber.com Got any good books you have read you want to tell me about? I plan to take a huge box up to the store soon to trade in so give me some ideas. How's reading going for the kiddos this year? Curtis is still reading what he likes and wanting to go to the book store all the time. Still very much into the magna books. Drives me nuts. Who wants to read a book from back to front? Oh well at least he reads.