Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Love my job BUT

  I love my job and it shows a little too much I think.   Right now I have a full load of six wonderful kids ages five & under plus Curtis my very own little ray of sunshine.  As I sit out here in the front yard watching them play in the dirt, hit rocks with the badmitton rackets, pick cute little yellow flowers for me and the two babies waving at the big trucks working on our road someone stops by and says their little one wants to play for a bit.  Sure, so how have you been?  They look at me like I am nuts and say "I'll be back around 5 to get 'Johnny'."  Hmmmm it is 3 pm and we still have homework to do at 4 and we have another snack at 5 and I need to get dinner cooking before time for me to leave for Karate where I will teach a hand full of adults and another group of wonderful sweet children. 
  I wonder if I should tape a sign to my forehead that says, "yes I love children but I love to get paid as well". 
This has happened from the same person more than a few times in the past few weeks.  I think I will just make a bill and mail it to them.  :)

Remember Mom this Mother's Day! Find a florist near you now.