Saturday, January 17, 2009

It's a New Year

Here we are in 2009 and I have yet to update this blog with all the Christmas pictures. Hey, at least I took all the decorations down around the house and yard. It has turned pretty cold for Georgia. Waking up to 10 degrees is no fun at all, worse than that for me, is waking in the middle of the night dripping wet and not able to breathe! I totally hate having our heat set on 68 and am ready for the cold air to leave so I can go back down to 58-64. James has suggested we get different bedrooms. HAHAHA How the heck did I marry someone so cold natured? Oh well, he is the most warm hearted man I know so it evens out I guess. Reports cards came out this week. Curtis is doing well with grades making A/B's again and this time NO n's (needs improvement) He continues to amaze me with his knowledge of so many things and his sweet laid back way to life. He enjoys reading and all thing science. We have him registered to do Camp Invent again this summer and he is looking forward to that. One of his teacher's made the comment they are closer to 5th graders now they 4th graders. YIKES, I am so not ready to think of him as a 5th grader. James and Sylvia and the grands are doing great. It is snowing at their house as I write this. Andrew called to tell me and he is so very excited to see them snow flurries! He told me I had to get dressed and go outside. Just cold here, no flurries yet. Sylvia will be 25 tomorrow and then little James in Feb. How did it happen so fast! I guess that's it for this time. Will try to have something fun and exciting to share next go round. :)