Can you believe it was two years ago today. Life has kept going, healing has taken place, and so much learning how to cope with pain that may end up being life long. A pain, that I will not let CONTROL my life. I will live my life and hope I am able to help others in some small way to repay the kindness of others who have helped me along my journey with Ramsay Hunt Syndrome.
There's not a whole lot to report health wise. Everything is about the same as it was 4 to 6 months ago. I still have to take 1800 MG of Gabapentin daily to control the nerve pain both in left side of face and right side of rib cage/back area. Lucky it doesn't seem to make me sick or change my moods anymore. When I first started taking it was another story. For a couple months I was very short fused and always sick to my stomach but it was worth all that to control the 24 hour pain I was in.
I'll share pictures just to see how much better things are face wise. But Ramsay effects so much more than just what you can see looking at me. There's many folks out there dealing with the same thing or something like it every single day of their life. Some days I feel almost normal other days, I wake up and think, do I have to move from this spot? But move I do! Life is full of choices to make. No one can control what choices you make but yourself.
The days that the pain is the worse, I find things to comfort me (even if they don't stop the pain), my favorite blanket, my amethyst stone, my camera (yes taking pictures is a comfort and a joy), doing Katas in my mind, reading, watching a good movie, taking a walk, getting a reiki treatment, so many things I have found help. The list of things is to long to share and some of the things would just make you say, how can that help? Maybe the fact that I was sick one summer, then my sister-in-law came down the kidney cancer, then the next summer my mom had a knee replacement (so we could take a long trip this year) and she almost died has made me stop and take every single day as a Blessing. Pain or no pain, life is HERE and NOW. I will not let RHS or anything else that is a medical issue for me control my life. It may change the way I do a few things but I will still DO IT.
I will end my 2 year post by saying "Keep it real, keep it simple, and let go of the things you can not change, live your life, be happy, enjoy your family, don't let whatever it is hurting you CONTROL your life". We haven't taken that long trip yet, but we will. It will not happen this year but 2014 is just around the corner and OFF WE WILL GO! One more step to MOVING ON. :)
Updated my many faces clip. But I can't get it to work. So maybe it will show up later.