Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Baby Boy is 10 years old today

Woke up this morning with a 10 year old son. :) Started the day off with a hunt for his gift. There were 10 clues hidden around the house. He found it in record time and seems to love the MP3 player. Can't believe he is 10 already.

The pictures begin with his very first photo, moving on to 1st birthday all the way up till this morning his 10th birthday.


Anonymous said...

Aww that was very, very sweet, gosh 10 wahhhh, we can cry together lol

MomToAp said...

Love the pictures. Happy Birthday Curtis. Hope you enjoy your special day.

Brandy said...

That was a wonderful little montage. I loved to see how he changed over the years, very neat. I also love how you hide a gift for him every year, what a neat and fun tradition!